Under the Lights

It's true. Two time Academy Award winner Jack Lemmon was born in an elevator, at Newton-Wellsley Hospital in Newton, Massachusetts to be exact. Kevin Spacey told us so at the Under The Lights: A Gala Night with Kevin Spacey and Cal Ripken, Jr. event at Arena Stage. Now it's not we didn't beleive Mr. Spacey, but considering his oft duplicitous acting roles (think House of Cards), we googled and verified.
The elevator became symbolic in both of their lives and goes like this: Spacey met Jack when he was a young teenager at a workshop and Lemmon subsequently became his montor. Lemmon's philosphy was that he should give back in life and would say yhat "If you've done well in the business you wanted to do well in, it is your obligation to spend a good portion of your time sending the elevator back down."