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Strong Legs are Linked to a Stronger Brain

Want to make sure your mind stays sharp later in life? Get strong legs now.

Everyone wonders what they can do to stay of sound mind as we age. Well, now we may have a strategy: get strong gams!

Researchers studied twins over a period of 10 years. What they found was promising. Those who had increased leg power at the start of the study showed improved cognitive aging after the 10 years. They also found those with stronger legs had larger gray matter volume.

Because of these findings in the November issue of the journal Gerontology, researchers intend to do bigger and longer studies. They even plan to look at how other areas of strength might correlate with improved cognition. While they do that, I’m going to do more squats and lunges … after I take a nice, long walk to make sure I can do crosswords for a long time!

Read my article about Brain Nutrition...