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Spring Cleaning

This week is the start of a new month, the start of a new quarter, and I am hoping the real start of Spring, which to me means renewal. I did some Spring cleaning over the weekend, which felt fabulous. For some reason, cleaning out closets and cupboards made me think of my 2013 goals. It seemed like a good time to recommit where necessary, adjust where need be, and perhaps even congratulate myself.

My number one goal for this year was to smile more, and I think I am doing an ok job. One can never smile enough, certainly not smile too much, so I am going to work even harder to do better with this goal. As most of us do when a new year begins, I also decided in January that it was time to lose a few pounds. I have been successful enough with that goal (thanks to an app on my phone called LoseIt) that I finally was able to go back to my favorite boutique last week (Betsy Fisher on Connecticut Avenue) to buy a couple gorgeous spring dresses in a size 2 (I gave up clothes shopping for a number of months so as not to have to buy clothes in a larger size

I also recommitted to sending hand-written notes to friends and loved ones, and thanks to The Dandelion Patch, this resolution has fared well (although, as is the case with smiles, one can never send too many hand-written notes …).

Finally, an on-going goal has been to always be perfectly groomed. While it is a pleasurable goal, this does take time and planning. Right about now, I really could use a haircu t… and a manicure. One of these will have to get done this week. The other next week …

Take a look at your goals, at your New Year’s resolutions. How have you been doing? Recommit to one or two key resolutions, and call a friend to tell her about them, so that she can hold you accountable. And send a note to someone you love.