Pumpkin is the Cinderella of the Superfoods
Fall is the best time to add pumpkin to your menus.

Pumpkin contains exceptional amounts of carotenes, which create a protective effect against many types of cancer. Diets rich in carotenes also benefit heart health and appear to help prevent type 2 diabetes.
So why doesn't richly colored pumpkin with its concentrations of vitamin C, B1, Folic acid, pantothenic acid, potassium, and fiber enjoy the same status as kale or Brussels sprouts?
Because most of us need help figuring out how to add more pumpkin to our diets, and pumpkin baked goods don't count. You will be delighted at how versatile, and tasty pumpkin can be when you know how to prepare and add it to dishes you are already making.
You might even be surprised to learn that pumpkin makes a fun base for a fall Pumpkin Old Fashioned, can become a Savory Stuffed Pumpkin entree, and shows up deliciously in a Spiced Smoothie. I especially love using canned pumpkin as a stir into scrambled eggs with chives to start my day.
Fall is a great time to add a little pumpkin to your diet. Buy a nice sugar pumpkin at the farmer's market, wash it and remove the seeds. The seeds are not only delicious but are nutrient-dense and quite tasty tossed on soups, salads, or nibbled as you sip a Pumpkin Old Fashioned. The pumpkin flesh can be cubed and tossed with oil, salt, pepper, and thyme leaves and roasted in a 400-degree oven until tender.

Here are some of my favorite recipes to give pumpkin the superfood status it deserves and excite you to add more pumpkin to your diet.
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