Philanderer to Philanthropist
Wish Man, the film about the hard-drinking and womanizing motorcycle cop who eventually started the Make A Wish Foundation will be shown at the Australian Embassy in DC on Tuesday August 6 at 6:30 pm.
The film’s message is that everyone can be goodhearted. Each ticket -- admission $75 -- includes light appetizers and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages.
Proceeds go to furthering Flicks4Change Film Festival’s Mission: to bridge the gap between and awareness and meaningful social change. “This is accomplished by bringing effective nonprofit organizations, socially conscious filmmakers and an audience together at Flicks4Change film festivals,” said festival director James Hawthorn.
The film about Frank Shankwitz’s journey from philanderer to philanthropic founder stars Flicks4Change co-founder Andrew Steel.
The embassy is at 1601 Massachusetts Ave., NW. There is limited street parking so ride-share is encourages.
A government issued photo ID is required for entry.
Click here for tickets.
For more information, contact: festival director James Hawthorn, or 571.438.4026