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Parks Partnership Event Becomes a Big Announcement

An exploration of the value of public/private partnership as it can benefit parks here in Georgetown became, suddenly, an exciting announcement: The National Trust for Historic Preservation, in partnership with American Express, announced Wednesday morning that $1 million will be awarded to deserving preservation projects in the DC/MD/VA region.

Dina Curtis
Dina Curtis

Partners in Preservation, a preservation initiative that has benefited historic sites in 5 major cities around the United States, has come to Washington! Both Dumbarton Oaks Park and Meridian Hill Park, each small parks under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service’s Rock Creek Park, are being honored as one of 24 chosen sites.

For more information , visit Partners in Preservation and discover how you and your friends--- over the next 16 days--- can help choose which of the 24 sites will win up to $100,000 through votes on FaceBook and other social media platforms.

Dina Curtis
Dina Curtis

Last night, at a meeting held at the British School of Washington, 5 “friends groups,” representing 5 parks, met to present their accomplishments to date, and inspire others with their plans for the future. The parks represented were Montrose Park, Rose Park, Dumbarton Oaks Park, Volta Park, and Rock Creek Park. A welcome was given by Joe Sternlieb, CEO of the Georgetown BID. “We’re a great believer in public/private partnerships,” said Sternlieb. He spoke of the value of parks for life in the city, “both from a physical perspective and a programming perspective.”

Georgetown’s parks do so much to enhance the quality of life in our community. We look forward to profiling the plans of each of these friends groups, and welcome your ideas about what resources you would like to see here in Georgetown.

Written by Rebecca Trafton, Co-Founder and Board President, Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy