Oleg Kudryashov 'Memories of Moscow' at Robert Brown Gallery

Join Robert Brown Gallery for the opening reception of the Oleg Kudryashov Memories of Moscow: Reliefs, constructions, and compositions, 1976-1995 exhibition on Friday, March 22 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm.
In his work, Kudryashov often combines multiple zinc plates to transform two-dimensional prints into reliefs and three-dimensional constructions. He applies gouache and watercolor to paper before applying his velvety drypoint compositions. The works in this exhibition, covering the period 1977 - 1995, are small and large in scale, flat and three-dimensional. There are references to Russian icons, industrial landscapes and the artist's memories of Moscow from his studio in London where he lived from 1974 - 1997.
The exhibition will be on display from Friday March 22 through Saturday, May 10. Click here for more details about the artist and the exhibition or call 202.338.0353.
Robert Brown Gallery is located at 1662 33rd Street.