October Face Time with Health Club at The Fairmont

In the market for Cardio Crunch, Pilates, Racquetball or Spin Classes? Now's the time to Pump It Up with a visit to the Health Club at The Fairmont.
Meet Solomon Ince, the Health Club's new trainer and his team at the 10th Annual Foggy Bottom/West End Neighborhood Block Party on Sunday, October 21 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM on Eye Street (Between 22ndand 23rdStreet, NW at the Foggy Bottom Metro).
And as part of nationwide Spa Week, from October 15 through 21st, the Health Club is offering $50 50 Min Rejuvenation Aromatherapy Massage and $50 45 Min Express Facial

Health Club at The Fairmont is located at 2401 M Street NW. Tel: 202.457.5070