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Mum's the word on "Boys Club" events. Sound familiar?

Even though Mayor Adrian Fenty signed emergency legislation to allow smoking at the upcoming Friendly Sons of St. Patrick 82nd Annual Dinner supposedly being held at the Capitol Hilton on Wednesday the 17th, no one’s talking. Councilmember Jack Evans, sponsor of the legislation, had little to say about the upcoming event and thought that the smoking issue was overblown. In all fairness, when we called him, he was headed to the movies with his children, so we’ll let him off the hook....sorta. He suggested calling Friendly Sons' Bill Edwards for more information on the Society. Edwards said that membership in D.C. was about 200, and each member could bring two guests. “You do the math,” he said. So, guess that would mean they are expecting 600 at the annual event. “Members are from all walks of life and include doctors, dentists and bankers,” he pointed out. He didn’t know if smoking would be permitted. “Call Bob Sloan at Sibley,” he suggested. On a Sunday? This was getting harder, not easier. If Sloan was not available, he recommended that we call Michael Schneider, catering director at the Capitol Hilton. Hey, we just want to know why the only two times that emergency smoking legislation is passed in D.C., it's to accommodate the "boys clubs" -- Fight Night and Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. "Just asking."