Mayor Pete

“Really thrilled to have our latest in our 2020 Candidate Series where we can bring you in-depth interviews with the men and women vying to be the next President of The United States. This series really allows us to go beyond soundbites and dig deeper into the issues,” said Kristine Coratti, General Manager of Washington Post Live who welcomed guests. “So today, our guest is Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Mayor Buttigieg was a relative newcomer to a national stage when he launched his presidential campaign earlier this year and has since emerged as one of the top contenders in the race. We’ll ask him about the increased scrutiny that comes with being a front runner, battling establishment candidates and the work that he’s doing to build support among African American voters.”
The below conversation between Bob Costa and Mayor Pete has been edited. Also refer to the video for responses to additional questions.
Bob Costa, Washington Post national political reporter lead the discussion and didn’t waste anytime hitting on the issues of the day. “Right now, there are polarizing issues in the news today. The judiciary committee formally moved two articles of impeachment toward a floor vote. What’s your response to the house judiciary committee vote along party lines this morning?”