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Kitty Kelley is Again Main Dish with Oprah Book

"She" generates controversy, opinion and debate. "For the past 25 years, no one has been better at revealing secrets....She has gotten her guests -- often the biggest celebrities in the world -- to bare their love lives, explore their painful pasts, admit their transgressions, reveal their pleasures, and explore their demons...."

"After a quarter of a century...can there be any more secrets left to reveal?"


"She" is Oprah Winfrey, as described in Kitty Kelley's sizzling and controversial new book "Oprah, a Biography." But the description fits the author almost as well. The Georgetown neighbor, landmark author and literary provocateuse was feted at a warm celebration of the book Friday at the home of PR honcho Marina Ein (at right) and her husband Dan Ein in Foxhall.


As terrifying as she may be in print, Kelley is warm and gracious in person. Fit and petite, sporting a trademark pinstripe pantsuit, she embraced some of Washington's stars of investigative journalism at the cocktail party including the New York Times' Helene Cooper, Roll Call's Anna Palmer and Tory Newmyer, along with the Washington Post's Ceci Connolly and Mary Ann Akers with husband Michael Isikoff. Also mingling were former Washington Post national editor Mike Abramowitz, now at the Holocaust Museum, and his wife, Washingtonian's talented editor Susan Baer, with Politics Daily's Annie Groer and ABC 7 reporter Cynee Simpson (above with Kelley).

Not many would have the moxie to take on the challenge of writing about Winfrey, the mega


media lodestar, and bring enough intellectual firepower and research rigor to produce a readable, formidable biography.

Coming next on these pages: excerpts from the book, Oprah in Georgetown, and more on the sine qua non author, good neighbor and literary trailblazer named Kitty Kelley.

At right, Bob Pincus and Ron Paul, Chairman & CEO of Eagle Bank.

Photos by Neshan H. Naltchayan

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