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Japanese Fans on View at The Kennedy Center


The Kennedy Center is sponsoring Fantasy in Japan Blue, an exhibition in the Hall of States through November 12, 2017.

In honor of Japan’s historic ties to the Kennedy Center and its support of the newly renovated Terrace Theater, world leader in textile design and production Reiko Sudo brings her internationally acclaimed textiles to the Hall of States in a six-week exhibition.

Fantasy in Japan Blue features fabric made from natural material mounted on 115 open fans, a symbol of good fortune. Each fan is dyed to correspond to one of the 46 shades of Japanese indigo; however, only 46 are included in this display—Sudo’s nod to the 46 years of John F. Kennedy’s life.

Sudo is the co-founder, CEO, and design director of Nuno Corporation, a company that has been crafting some of the world’s most extraordinary textiles since 1984. Deftly weaving together the traditional and the cutting-edge, Nuno borrows techniques and processes from the chemical, automotive, brewing, and other industries while incorporating artisanal methods such as as hand-weaving and salt dyeing.