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How A Wellness Coach Got Out Of Shape

Self care is health care.

We became first-time grandparents on May 9th! 

A few days after becoming grandparents, and while we were still reveling in the magic of being with our grandchild, we got a call from our condo president letting us know there was water coming out of our apartment. Our brand new condo! Not even two years old.

We raced home to deal with things and were met by ServePro ripping out our floors and walls. A neighbor, who is not a plumber, did a plumbing project, and no one was in our condo to see the water pouring through the ceiling. Suddenly we were homeless. It was two months of sleeping around, dealing with naughty contractors, and arguing with insurance companies. 

I was in complete amygdala overload. These were NOT ideal conditions for someone who runs a business out of their home.

Fast-forward to the end of June when we could finally move back in and unpack everything; literally, everything in our condo was in boxes. Using my herculean skills as an organizer, I got us unpacked in time to head north for a summer filled with house guests, hot sheets, and too many Saturday nights. The disruption from the condo flood set off a chain reaction of excuses for NOT sticking with the habits that help me feel my best.

Sure, I was still exercising, but my body was changing. There was more coffee and wine and less water. We ate many meals out, and I cooked fancier things at home. 

Summers, like holidays, can be disruptive.

I had let myself slide into habits that didn't serve me, and it showed.

Crappy sleep

Dull skin

Less muscle

Belly bloat

More anxiety

Lack of focus on anything but the next meal.

When we returned to Virginia at the end of August, I assessed the situation.

NO FREAKING WAY was I going to let that condo flood derail years of hard work. Sh*t happens to all of us, so having a plan to get back on track is essential. At 63, the reality is I have to work harder to bounce back after life deals me a tough hand. 

It can happen to anyone. When our habits go off the rails, it's time to get back to basics with hydration, eating a whole food plant-based diet, moving more, and eliminating the things that do not serve us. Because we all want lives filled with: abundant energy, restorative rest, bodies we love, a sense of control, glowing skin, resilient wellness, less stress, and better sleep.

September is the perfect time to reboot with practices that align with our personal and professional goals. We can start with proper hydration, mindful eating, consistent bedtimes, and moving more. Self-care is health care. Get the oxygen mask back on yourself, so you can continue to help all the people who depend on you.

You can also join me for The Culinary Cure 21-Day Detox and Reset beginning September 26th. The program teaches you valuable wellness skills that can last a lifetime. Because diets don't work, lifestyles do. Now is always a good time to invest in your future wellness.

Eat Well. Be Well.