Georgetown's Spring Art Walk May 5th

The Georgetown Galleries on Book Hill will have their Spring Art Walk on Saturday May 5 from 5:00 -8:00 pm. The featured exhibitions this spring include work in a variety of media by American and international artists, as well as a range of curatorial approaches. Interpreting and conceptualizing the world around us – runs through shows of all six galleries.

Two galleries will have group shows focusing on how artists use particular elements in their work – color in abstract art at Artist’s Proof Gallery and layered imagery at Cross Mackenzie Gallery. Klagsburn Studios is also presenting a group show. The solo exhibits at other galleries will give viewers a chance to consider other artists working with similar concepts.
At Susan Calloway Fine Arts, David Bell presents a new body of layered works exploring the interplay of materials. Two other artists with solo shows use imaginary structures and creatures in landscapes. At Addison/Ripley Gallery, painter Trevor Young suspends imagined architectural forms in his pieces; while, at Washington Printmakers Gallery, Douglas Bosley shows an imagined world with colonies of micro-robots in his finely detailed mezzotints.
The Georgetown Galleries is a group of galleries clustered along Wisconsin Avenue in upper Georgetown. They are Addison/Ripley Fine Arts, Artist’s Proof, Susan Calloway Fine Arts, Cross Mackenzie Gallery, Klagsbrun Studios, Maurine Littleton Gallery, and Washington Printmakers Gallery.