Georgetown House Tour Patron's Party April 25th

"On a beautiful spring day in 1931 birds chirped and flowers bloomed as Mrs. Jefferson Randolph Kean stepped from her house onto one of the brick sidewalks of Georgetown. As she walked the few blocks to Pecks Chapel, at the corner of M and 28th streets, she wondered if there would be enough people there today to make any money. The route had been all planned to show to advantage the historic homes of Georgetown, ending with afternoon tea at St. John's Church. Finally, the corner came into view, and Mrs. Kean's step faltered for a moment. The sidewalk was crowded with people! Never in her most wishful moments had she thought there would be these many people anxious to hear the history of a handful of Georgetown homes.” Smiling with anticipation, she hastened the last few feet to the corner and thus began the first ever Georgetown House Tour.
This year the tour is celebrating its 81st year and in honor of this historic milestone, our very own Frida Burling has agreed to host the Patron’s Party at her home the evening of Wednesday, April 25th. Twelve years ago, Frida created the Patron’s Party to raise additional funds for the Tour. The first Patron’s Party was hosted by author Kitty Kelley and since then many of our wonderful Georgetowners have opened their homes to host this wonderful party. This year’s House Tour will be co-chaired by Stephanie Bothwell and Franklin Babb Randolph.
The tour will be held on Saturday, April 28th. For ticket information, visit Georgetown House Tour.