Georgetown Christmas Market Nov 6 & 7
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School's Esprit de Noel: A Christmas Market will take place Friday, November 6th from 11:00 am - 9:00 pm and Saturday, November 7th from 10:00 am - 4 pm.
Mark your calendars for the 45th year of this wonderful Georgetown tradition and just in time to get you into the holiday spirit. With a marketplace offering over 50 specialty boutiques, Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School's Esprit de Noel is not to be missed!
Enjoy The Snackery's grilled food, treats from local food trucks and sweets from The Bake Shop. Stroll through Attic Treasures and the Used Books Sale. Bid on beautiful Silent Auction items and baskets, perfect for holiday giving. Don't forget to buy a ticket for the car raffle drawing of a 2016 Ford Escape!
This event is open to everyone and admission is free. There is plenty of free parking on campus.
Georgetown Visitation Prepartory School is located at 1524 35th Street in Georgetown.