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Full Court Press

Veteran news anchor Greta Van Susteren wasn’t the only star in the room at a launch party in her honor for Full Court Press in Washington, DC hosted by Hilton Howell, CEO of Gray Television. It’s hard to compete with 107 year old Roberta McCain, widow of Admiral John S. McCain Jr. and mother of late Senator John S. McCain (R-AZ) who arrived to celebrate the occasion with son Joe McCain.


“This is the red letter day for our company,” said Howell, “and for what I view as responsible and consistent and professional journalism because we’re gathering here today to recognize the 5th Anniversary of our Washington, DC Bureau which all of you know has been a pioneering effort here at Gray Television. That then led us into the opportunity to launch Full Court Press and so one lucky moment has led to another lucky moment and that brings us all here today.”