Dumbarton House, Citizens and Spring
The March meeting of the Citizens Association of Georgetown (CAG), was held at beautiful, historic Dumbarton House, that gem at 2715 Q Street, NW.
This grand location plus an especially qualified speaker brought Georgetowners out in droves. The lovely large garden room served for the meeting, although many people toured the amazing house beforehand, shown around by knowledgable docents.
The new manager of Dumbarton House welcomed us in a warm community-caring way, and then, CAG President Jennifer Altemus opened the meeting.
I was delighted to give the group a brief report on the wonders of the 2010 Georgetown House Tour on April 24th, and our Patrons Party April 22nd. Next, Sharon Lockwood invited everyone to her meeting on "Aging in Place" on April 18th at CAG Headquarters, to be covered in these pages.
Our super speaker then came on, and held us all in silent awe as she explained the history and art of Classical Architecture in our own Georgetown homes. Claudia L. Powell is President of a full-service interior design service and trained in architecture as well.
Greg Tinius, an art photographer, showed slides beautifully illustrating the architecture from those early Greek columns right on to our local houses here.
What a wonderful evening. Now when we tour our houses here on April 24th, we'll be even more appreciative.