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D.C. Dems Rally for Victory

A victory rally for the D.C. Democratic National Committee was held Sunday evening, November 4, 2012, hosted by D.C. Democratic National Committeeman and Councilman-at-Large Vincent Orange, along with D.C. Democratic Committeewoman Estell Mathis Lloyd and D.C. Democratic State Committee Chair Anita Bonds. With the crowd chanting VICTORY, the standing-room-only banquet room at Tony Cheng’s Restaurant was full of energy and enthusiasm shouting “Mayor for Life” when Councilman Marion Barry took the podium.

Stacey Lincoln
Stacey Lincoln

Motivational speeches to elect a straight Democratic ticket on Tuesday from the local to the national level were delivered. Voting for D.C. Council Chair Michael Brown was also encouraged, as his political colleagues referred to him as a “Democrat at heart” and an “independent Democrat.”

Councilman Jack Evans, Councilwoman Yvette Alexander, Councilman Michael Brown, Councilman Marion Barry and Councilman Vincent Orange encouraged everyone to vote Democrat on Tuesday.

Estell Mathis Lloyd and Anita Bonds pointed out that Romney is waging war on women and that women should protect their rights over their body, as well as equal pay for equal work.

Sacey Lincoln
Sacey Lincoln

US Senator Michael D. Brown reported that he asked President Barack Obama to support DC Statehood and he agreed to it. Brown stated that if Obama is re-elected to a second term that DC citizens can hold Obama to his word and finally achieve DC Statehood.

Mayor Vincent Gray spoke enthusiastically about what he and the D.C. Council have achieved and the goals for 2013. D.C. has a budget surplus of $140 million. In 2013, the parking pilot program and rezoning of the city will be hot topics.

United States Representative Nate Bennett-Fleming (Ward 8), who gave a rousing speech, was described as a rising political star” by D.C. Councilman-at-Large Vincent Orange.

Orange ended the evening by reminding everyone that they must first believe they are a winner themselves and to go out on Tuesday and vote as a winner.

Stacey Lincoln
Stacey Lincoln