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Conservative and “Fun” Republicans for Terri Galvez for National Committeewoman

Terri Galvez is running a serious race to be the Republican National Committeewoman from the District. But that doesn’t mean her campaign can’t be fun. And fun it was for her and the guests at a fundraising/meet-and-greet last week at the N Street home of Susan and Michael Pillsbury, of the Pillsbury Company.

The Georgetown Dish
The Georgetown Dish

“I am the fun Republicans, not stodgy and uptight.” Galvez said emphatically as she posed with supporters in front of a large campaign poster of herself. The event, full of good (conservative) conversation on national politics, especially for the weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference, certainly met her description. The party was heavy with representatives of groups such as Hispanic- and African-American and young people, not usually identified as Republican, let alone conservative.

Crystal Wright, who bills herself as a “Conservative Black Chick” on her business card, was a prime example. An editor, blogger and columnist, she was not shy in her criticism of her own Ward 4 councilmember, Muriel Bowser, for poor constituent services. “Teri is a different face on the party – a great ambassador for the DC GOP, Wright said. “Teri is the future of Republicans in the District. She shows that we’re “more than a bunch of old white guys.’

The Georgetown Dish
The Georgetown Dish

Young people were also ably represented by 23-year-old Ashley Boalch, Miss District of Columbia for 2011. She was spotted while working in Georgetown at L2 Lounge, the Cady’s Alley club owned by the Georgetown developer Anthony Lanier. Galvez is Boalch’s “mentor and role model [giving her] the self confidence” she needs to be the entrepreneur she wants to be.

Other Hispanic political players at the party were Manuel Rosales, head of the D.C. office of The Latin Coalition, and Sylvia Guzman, founder of Amigos de Patriots, a non-profit conservative action group.

The Georgetown Dish
The Georgetown Dish

The Georgetown Dish
The Georgetown Dish