Art War
The art world duked it out in typical congressional fashion when Art Soiree and Suspicious Package joined forces at The Ritz Carlton in Georgetown. In case you’ve forgotten what that means, it was one night for the Republicans, one night for the Democrats – and never the twain shall meet. It was about political ideologies and party lines as in ‘IT’S LEFT & IT’S RIGHT’ and all about the midterm elections edition, so you had to take sides.
It was a look back through artistic commentary and critique on Democrats and Republican alike during each respective night. The night with the highest attendance being the deciding factor on who will win this year. Looked like typical gridlock to us as both nights were filled to capacity.
The cartoons on display were a solo exhibition by KAL, i.e. Kevin Kallaugher. KAL is the editorial cartoonist for The Economist and The Baltimore Sun.