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Architects & Panic Rooms

“I think I spoke way more than I usually do at dinners like this,” said Claudio Bisogniero at a seated dinner at Firenze House, “but I really have to explain what this is all about.” The Ambassador of Italy then went on to describe “Introducing the XXI ‘Triennale’ International Exhibition Milan 2016: 21st Century, Design after Design,” a new international exhibition that will open the door to the 21st session on April 2nd in the traditional and historic location of Milan’s Palazzo dell’Arte that will last until the 12th of September. “This will be truly the hub of a dialog and discussion on many, many multi-disciplinary events, exhibitions, conferences, performances, training and even summer schools.”

“The 21st international exhibition will take place just a few months after the resounding success of another event you may heard about – Expo Milan 2015,” he added. “It was just closed a few months ago – 22 million visitors by the way. Like the Expo, the Triennale is a not to be missed event, and what better place than Italy to meet and to enjoy art, design, and discuss the very essence and the transformation that you can experience – not that you really need another reason to visit Italy.”