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'For Whom the Bell Tolls'

In memory of Senator John McCain.

“I always say I’ll be short,” said Senator Lindsey Graham at the special screening of HBO’s new documentary on Senator John McCain at the United States Capitol Visitor Center, “and John says, ‘Well you are.'”

“To explain John McCain, I can do it in one story; Roberta McCain, his mother. She goes to Europe, she’s 90 years old, young. She tries to get a rental car. They say, ‘You’re too old.’ She went and bought the car. And drove around Europe.”

“The bottom line is that this movie and all the books are about a love affair with America that began at 17 that will never end as long as there’s breath in John McCain. The reason our colleagues are here is because they respect John, and if you have not been on the other side of John that means you didn’t do much in the Senate. So all of you are here understanding the good, the bad, and the brilliance of John McCain.”
