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First Lady Laura Bush

Former Representative Tom McMillen is not on the Board of The National Archives, but as a former member of Congress he works along side of them on different programs and exhibits. “We have a lot of different symposiums on a whole host of subjects on elections and all that kind of stuff and we work pretty closely together,” he told Hollywood on the Potomac at The National Archives Foundation Gala that honored former First Lady Laura Bush as the 2018 recipient of its Records of Achievement Award in recognition of her commitment to building a literate and civically engaged global community.

Charles Thomas McMillen is a retired professional basketball player, Rhodes Scholar, and Democratic U.S. Congressman, who represented the 4th congressional district of Maryland from January 3, 1987 to January 3, 1993. McMillen was also a member of the 1972 U.S. Olympic Basketball Team that lost a controversial gold medal game to the Soviet Union.

We asked him if there were some Olympics memorabilia at the Archives. “Yes, as a matter of fact they do. They asked me for some of my sports memorabilia. I don’t know, I’d have to really check into that because it’s been a while since they asked. They were also curious about memorabilia from former members of congress who had a sports career, so more relational to working as a member of congress in the government service as opposed to the Olympics.”
