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Coles & Roberts Do Blush

“I had no idea that men liked breasts,” said Cosmopolitan Editor-in-Chief Joanna Coles at the Blush Lunch at the Mellon Auditorium hosted by The Women’s Health Board of the GW Medical Faculty Associates benefitting the MAMMOVAN.

“The best objective you can use to describe breasts is not firm or perky – but healthy,” she added. Coles shared the stage with Emmy Award Winning Journalist Cokie Roberts who kicked in with “These breast jokes are hard to get away from, but they can be useful.” While breast cancer is no laughing matter, the remarks grabbed the attention of the males in the audience, which of course was the designated effect.

Roberts, herself a breast cancer survivor, has that intense indignation about the disease and has been instrumental in ‘paying it forward’ via legislation, raising awareness and research dollars.